Sunday, June 26, 2016

My Hope

The first post. Hmmm what should I write. Over the course of the last week this has been the question on my mind. I had an ingenious idea, or so I thought. However, as I began typing, suddenly there was nothing. So I saved the post to work on at a later time. Then I came back a couple days later and thought surely now the story will flow easily. Being new to blogger I tried to find my saved draft and failed. So, I began again from what I could remember. I got out a few more sentences than the last time, but still the inspiration that I had thought I had was once again swept away.

Now I was getting a little frustrated. I began praying about what the deal was. After all, blogging should not be this difficult! As I was praying today, I was struck by a thought. Why was I writing this blog? What was I hoping to accomplish with these writings? The answer was clear to me. While I will be posting about my life experiences and perhaps hopes and dreams, I desire for these posts to be more. I want God to be at the center of what I write. So, I thought that it was only fitting that I begin this journey of blogging with a prayer.

God, I pray that You would be my inspiration for each post. It is my desire to point others towards You. Breathe upon my heart and cause me to be quick to listen. As I sit at my computer, guide my   thoughts and fingers. Use these posts to reach others and point them towards You. Thank You for using me. Amen.