Monday, January 9, 2017


Recently I heard a message about John 6 and the feeding of the 5,000. In this story Jesus asks his disciples to feed the people who have gathered. Philip makes excuses saying that it would cost too much to feed such a crowd. Andrew brings forward a boy who has some food, and then minimizes how much is available by stressing the fact that the food is small. Jesus, on the other hand, sees all of this and also all the possibilities within the little. He gives thanks for the food the boy has surrendered. Instead of running out of food, the amount is multiplied and there is enough to go around and more, 12 baskets more.

As I look over my life, I see how focused I was on my own perceived needs and how they affected me, forgetting to look at what I had and how it could be used to bless others. God can do much with little if I am willing to surrender what I have into His hands. I see this every week as we go grocery shopping on our small stipend of $85 for 5 girls. There is somehow always enough money for what we need plus some extra. In addition, each week we invite neighbors, friends we have made or co-workers to join us for dinner once a week. Even though by the world's standards we have very little, God is providing an abundance and we will not keep it to ourselves.